Watch Mulberry Street online

Can you stream the Horror movie Mulberry Street, directed by Jim Mickle & starring Antone Pagan, Larry Fleischman, Nick Damici & Tim House on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Mulberry Street

A deadly infection breaks out in Manhattan, causing humans to devolve into blood-thirsty rat creatures. Six recently evicted tenants must survive the night and protect their downtown ...

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Its release date is Tuesday May 23, 2006

Production details

Director Jim Mickle
Cast Antone Pagan, Larry Fleischman, Nick Damici & Tim House
Genre Horror
Country of origin The United States
Release date 2006-05-23
Theme Infection & Zombie
Place setting Manhattan
Location New York City
Script Jim Mickle & Nick Damici
Cinematography Ryan Samul
Music Andreas Kapsalis
Runtime 84 min

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We Are What We Are
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The United States | Drama, Horror & Thriller
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