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Can you stream the Mystery, Science Fiction & Thriller movie Mute, directed by Duncan Jones & starring Alexander Skarsgård, Justin Theroux, Paul Rudd & Seyneb Saleh on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Mute

A mute bartender goes up against his city's gangsters in an effort to find out what happened to his missing partner.

TAGLINE: "He doesn’t need words."

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Its release date is Friday February 23, 2018

Production details

Director Duncan Jones
Cast Alexander Skarsgård, Justin Theroux, Paul Rudd & Seyneb Saleh
Genre Mystery, Science Fiction & Thriller
Country of origin Germany & United Kingdom
Release date 2018-02-23
Theme Amish, Artificial Intelligence & Robots, Bartender, Cyberpunk, Disability, Doctor, Gangster, Germany, Mute & Prostitution
Place setting Berlin
Script Duncan Jones (screenplay by), Duncan Jones (story by) & Michael Robert Johnson (screenplay by)
Cinematography Gary Shaw
Music Clint Mansell
Runtime 126 min
Homepage Mute Homepage


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