Watch My Step Brother Frankenstein online

Can you stream the Drama movie My Step Brother Frankenstein, directed by Mel Brooks & Valeriy Todorovskiy & starring Artem Shalimov, Sergey Garmash, Sergey Gazarov & Vladimir Bogdanov on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: My Step Brother Frankenstein


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Its release date is Sunday March 13, 2005

Production details

Director Mel Brooks & Valeriy Todorovskiy
Cast Artem Shalimov, Sergey Garmash, Sergey Gazarov & Vladimir Bogdanov
Genre Drama
Country of origin Russia
Release date 2005-03-13
Theme Brain Transplantation Fiction & Frankenstein
Place setting Transylvania
Script Gennadiy Ostrovskiy
Cinematography Gerald Hirschfeld
Music John Morris (composer)
Runtime 111 min

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