Watch Night of the Blood Beast online

Can you stream the Horror & Science Fiction movie Night of the Blood Beast, directed by Bernard L. Kowalski & starring Angela Greene, Ed Nelson, Georgianna Carter & John Baer on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Night of the Blood Beast

An astronaut is killed on reentry to Earth, but his body is seeded with rapidly gestating aliens.

TAGLINE: "No girl was safe as long as this head-hunting thing roamed the land!"

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Its release date is Friday August 1, 1958

Production details

Director Bernard L. Kowalski
Cast Angela Greene, Ed Nelson, Georgianna Carter & John Baer
Genre Horror & Science Fiction
Country of origin The United States
Release date 1958-08-01
Theme Alien, Alien Invasion, Astronaut, Astronauts, B Movie, Crash, Decapitation, Monster & Spaceship
Script Gene Corman (story) & Martin Varno (screenplay)
Cinematography John Mathew Nickolaus, Jr.
Music Alexander Laszlo (composer)
Runtime 62 min


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