Watch Nina’s Journey online

Can you stream the Drama movie Nina’s Journey, directed by Lena Einhorn & starring Agnieszka Grochowska, Andrzej Brzeski, Maria Chwalibóg & Pawel Iwanicki on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Nina’s Journey

Nina's Journey is a feature film, but with an authentic narrator. We follow Nina and her family during six dramatic years, half of them spent in the Warsaw ghetto. The film tells the story ...

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Its release date is Saturday February 10, 2007

Production details

Director Lena Einhorn
Cast Agnieszka Grochowska, Andrzej Brzeski, Maria Chwalibóg & Pawel Iwanicki
Genre Drama
Country of origin Poland & Sweden
Release date 2007-02-10
Theme Woman Director
Script Lena Einhorn
Cinematography Dan Myhrman
Runtime 120 min