Watch No Way to Treat a Lady online
Can you stream the Comedy & Thriller movie No Way to Treat a Lady, directed by Jack Smight & starring Eileen Heckart, George Segal, Lee Remick & Rod Steiger on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: No Way to Treat a Lady
A crafty serial killer plays a game of cat-and-mouse with a harried police detective trying to track him down.
Its release date is Wednesday March 20, 1968
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Its release date is Wednesday March 20, 1968
Production details
Director | Jack Smight |
Cast | Eileen Heckart, George Segal, Lee Remick & Rod Steiger |
Genre | Comedy & Thriller |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 1968-03-20 |
Theme | Detective, Serial Killer, Suspense & Theater |
Place setting | New York City |
Script | John Gay (screenplay by), John Gay (screenplay) & William Goldman (based on the novel by) |
Cinematography | Jack Priestley |
Music | Andrew Belling |
Box Office Revenue | $3,100,000 |
Runtime | 108 min |