Watch O Costa d’África online
Can you stream the Comedy & Family movie O Costa d’África, directed by João Mendes & starring Costinha, Erico Braga, Laura Alves & Vasco Santana on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: O Costa d’África
Living in Africa, Mr. Costa decides to drop by Lisbon for a few hours and see how his nephew Amadeu, who he has been financially supporting for years, is doing. Having squandered all of his...
Its release date is Sunday September 19, 1954
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No streaming sources available just yetIts release date is Sunday September 19, 1954
Production details
Director | João Mendes |
Cast | Costinha, Erico Braga, Laura Alves & Vasco Santana |
Genre | Comedy & Family |
Release date | 1954-09-19 |
Theme | Black And White, Comedy, Empire, Family, Lisbon, Money, Portugal & Uncle |
Script | Antonio Paso (novel), Francisco Ribeiro, Henrique Santana (dialogue), Henrique Santana (screenplay), Joaquín Dicenta (novel), Vasco Santana (dialogue) & Vasco Santana (screenplay) |
Runtime | 90 min |