Watch Omar & Salma 2 online
Can you stream the Comedy & Romance movie Omar & Salma 2, directed by Ahmad El-Badri & starring Ezzat Abou Aouf, Mai Ezz Eldein, Mirhan Hussein & Tamer Hosny on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Omar & Salma 2
after the love story in first part Omar and Salma hade cute girls and Omar start to lose his love for salma
Its release date is Monday May 18, 2009
All streaming services available
Its release date is Monday May 18, 2009
Production details
Director | Ahmad El-Badri |
Cast | Ezzat Abou Aouf, Mai Ezz Eldein, Mirhan Hussein & Tamer Hosny |
Genre | Comedy & Romance |
Country of origin | Egypt |
Release date | 2009-05-18 |
Theme | Arabian & Romantic Comedy |
Script | Tamer Hosny (story) |
Box Office Revenue | $4,600,000 |
Runtime | N/A |