Watch Ominous online

Can you stream the Horror & Science Fiction movie Ominous, directed by Peter Sullivan & starring Barry Watson, Esmé Bianco, Gavin Lewis & Mark Lindsay Chapman on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Ominous

Michael and Rachel are devastated when their six-year-old son dies in a tragic accident. When a stranger offers to bring the boy back to life, they take the offer. However, the child who returns is not the child they once knew.

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Its release date is Saturday October 10, 2015

Production details

Director Peter Sullivan
Cast Barry Watson, Esmé Bianco, Gavin Lewis & Mark Lindsay Chapman
Genre Horror & Science Fiction
Country of origin United States of America
Release date 2015-10-10
Theme Cult, Death & Grieving, Demon, Devil, Divorce, Possession & Resurrection
Place setting Chicago, New Jersey & New York City
Time setting 1950s & 1953
Location Kentucky
Script Chris Regina (story), Justin Smith (story) & Peter Sullivan
Runtime 87 min


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