Watch On Top of the Whale online

Can you stream the Fantasy movie On Top of the Whale, directed by Raoul Ruiz & starring Fernando Bordeu, Herbert Curiel, Jean Badin & Willeke van Ammelrooy on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: On Top of the Whale

A parody of anthropology, linguistics, and cultural imperialism. The film follows an unlikely team of linguists into the wilds of an ersatz Patagonia to study the last speakers of a dying ...

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Its release date is Thursday February 4, 1982

Production details

Director Raoul Ruiz
Cast Fernando Bordeu, Herbert Curiel, Jean Badin & Willeke van Ammelrooy
Genre Fantasy
Country of origin The Netherlands
Release date 1982-02-04
Script Raoul Ruiz
Cinematography Henri Alekan
Runtime 90 min