Watch Once Upon a Prince online
Can you stream the Romance & TV Movie movie Once Upon a Prince, directed by Alex Wright & starring Colleen Winton, Jonathan Keltz, Megan Park & Sara Botsford on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Once Upon a Prince
A prince visiting the U.S. falls for a commoner when he helps her. But his mother isn't pleased with the match and tries to prove that the American gal isn't suitable to be a royal bride.
Its release date is Saturday April 7, 2018
All streaming services available
Its release date is Saturday April 7, 2018
Production details
Director | Alex Wright |
Cast | Colleen Winton, Jonathan Keltz, Megan Park & Sara Botsford |
Genre | Romance & TV Movie |
Release date | 2018-04-07 |
Theme | Dogs & Royalty |
Place setting | Los Angeles |
Location | Los Angeles & Venice, California |
Script | Rachel Hauck (novel) & Tracy Andreen |
Cinematography | Amir Mokri |
Music | Jeff Cardoni |
Runtime | 120 min |
Homepage | Once Upon a Prince Homepage |