Watch Once Upon a Time at Christmas online

Can you stream the Horror movie Once Upon a Time at Christmas, directed by Paul Tanter & starring Jeff Ellenberger, Laurel Brady, Sayla de Goede & Simon Phillips on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Once Upon a Time at Christmas

Santa and Mrs. Clause go on a killing spree in Woodbridge, 12 days prior to Christmas.

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Its release date is Sunday November 26, 2017

Production details

Director Paul Tanter
Cast Jeff Ellenberger, Laurel Brady, Sayla de Goede & Simon Phillips
Genre Horror
Country of origin Canada & United Kingdom
Release date 2017-11-26
Theme Christmas, Christmas Horror, Horror & Santa Claus
Script Christopher Jolley, Paul Tanter (story) & Simon Phillips (story)
Music J. Eric Schmidt & Todd Bryanton
Runtime 97 min
Homepage Once Upon a Time at Christmas Homepage


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The United States | Action
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