Watch One Last Deal online

Can you stream the Drama movie One Last Deal, directed by Klaus Härö & starring Amos Brotherus, Heikki Nousiainen, Pirjo Lonka & Stefan Sauk on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: One Last Deal

An elderly art dealer wants to make his last big deal. He has discovered a heavily under-priced painting named Dark Christ. He borrows all the savings from his grandson in order to leave ...

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Its release date is Friday January 4, 2019

Production details

Director Klaus Härö
Cast Amos Brotherus, Heikki Nousiainen, Pirjo Lonka & Stefan Sauk
Genre Drama
Country of origin Finland
Release date 2019-01-04
Theme Art Dealer & Valuable Painting
Script Anna Heinämaa
Costs $1,700,000
Runtime N/A


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