Watch Out for Justice online
Can you stream the Action, Crime & Thriller movie Out for Justice, directed by John Flynn & John Flynn (director) & starring Jerry Orbach, Jo Champa, Steven Seagal & William Forsythe on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Out for Justice
The gruesome murder of a Brooklyn Detective will turn the case into a personal vendetta when the deceased's best friend and fellow officer will unleash an all-out attack against a psychotic Mafia enforcer's brutal gang.
TAGLINE: "No Sleep To Brooklyn!" All streaming services available
Its release date is Friday April 12, 1991
Production details
Director | John Flynn & John Flynn (director) |
Cast | Jerry Orbach, Jo Champa, Steven Seagal & William Forsythe |
Genre | Action, Crime & Thriller |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 1991-04-12 |
Theme | Brooklyn New York City, Detective & Revenge |
Place setting | Brooklyn |
Script | R. Lance Hill |
Cinematography | Ric Waite |
Music | David Michael Frank |
Costs | $14,000,000 |
Box Office Revenue | $39,673,161 |
Runtime | 91 min |