Watch Ozone online
Can you stream the Action, Adventure & Crime movie Ozone, directed by J.R. Bookwalter & starring Bill Morrison, James Black, James L. Edwards & Tom Hoover on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Ozone
While ambushing a drug-dealer, Detective Eddie Boone (James Black) is injected in a fight against the dealer with a new drug called Ozone, which transforms the users in powerful zombies. ...
Its release date is Saturday May 20, 1995
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Its release date is Saturday May 20, 1995
Production details
Director | J.R. Bookwalter |
Cast | Bill Morrison, James Black, James L. Edwards & Tom Hoover |
Genre | Action, Adventure & Crime |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 1995-05-20 |
Script | David A. Wagner & J.R. Bookwalter |
Runtime | 83 min |