Watch Paradise Drifters online

Can you stream the Drama movie Paradise Drifters, directed by Mees Peijnenburg & starring Bilal Wahib, Jonas Smulders, Joren Seldeslachts & Tamar van Waning on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Paradise Drifters

Paradise Drifters is a fragmented portrayal of three homeless young adults who are heading to southern Europe in search of money, love and happiness.

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Its release date is Thursday April 2, 2020

Production details

Director Mees Peijnenburg
Cast Bilal Wahib, Jonas Smulders, Joren Seldeslachts & Tamar van Waning
Genre Drama
Country of origin Netherlands
Release date 2020-04-02
Script Mees Peijnenburg
Costs $800,000
Runtime 85 min
