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Can you stream the Action & Crime movie Partners, directed by Peter James Iengo & starring Adam Piacente, Christopher Iengo, Daniel B. Roy & Kate Webster on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Partners
In 2008 Brooklyn has become a breeding ground for chaos, and criminal elements such as the mafia and gang lords. NYPD Detectives Christopher Perez and Steve Clarkson will work together as partners trying to restore order and balance
Its release date is Friday June 5, 2009
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Its release date is Friday June 5, 2009
Production details
Director | Peter James Iengo |
Cast | Adam Piacente, Christopher Iengo, Daniel B. Roy & Kate Webster |
Genre | Action & Crime |
Country of origin | United States of America |
Release date | 2009-06-05 |
Place setting | Brooklyn |
Location | New York (state) |
Script | Peter James Iengo |
Runtime | 130 min |