Watch Pépé le Moko online
Can you stream the Action, Crime & Drama movie Pépé le Moko, directed by Julien Duvivier & starring Fernand Charpin, Gabriel Gabrio, Jean Gabin & Saturnin Fabre on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Pépé le Moko
A wanted gangster is both king and prisoner of the Casbah. He is protected from arrest by his friends, but is torn by his desire for freedom outside. A visiting Parisian beauty may just tempt his fate.
Its release date is Thursday January 28, 1937
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Its release date is Thursday January 28, 1937
Production details
Director | Julien Duvivier |
Cast | Fernand Charpin, Gabriel Gabrio, Jean Gabin & Saturnin Fabre |
Genre | Action, Crime & Drama |
Country of origin | France |
Release date | 1937-01-28 |
Theme | Algiers, Fugitive, Inspector, Promise & Tourist |
Place setting | Algiers |
Script | Henri Jeanson (dialogue), Henri La Barthe (novel), Henri La Barthe (scenario), Jacques Constant (adaptation) & Julien Duvivier (scenario) |
Cinematography | Jules Kruger |
Music | Mohamed Ygerbuchen |
Box Office Revenue | $153,936 |
Runtime | 94 min |