Watch Petrified online
Can you stream the Horror & Thriller movie Petrified, directed by Jacob Detheridge & Jared Marino & starring Conner Bridel, Jade Detheridge, Michael Griffin & Monika Hermerka on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Petrified
A young woman and her dog find a giant nest-like structure in their backyard.
TAGLINE: "Sit...Roll Over...BEG!!" All streaming services available
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Its release date is Friday July 26, 2019
Production details
Director | Jacob Detheridge & Jared Marino |
Cast | Conner Bridel, Jade Detheridge, Michael Griffin & Monika Hermerka |
Genre | Horror & Thriller |
Release date | 2019-07-26 |
Script | Jacob Detheridge (screenplay), Jacob Detheridge (story) & Jared Marino (story) |
Costs | $2,000 |
Runtime | N/A |