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Can you stream the Horror, Science Fiction & Thriller movie Phantoms, directed by Joe Chappelle & starring Ben Affleck, Joanna Going, Peter O'Toole & Rose McGowan on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Phantoms

One hundred fifty dead, and three hundred fifty missing in the tiny mountain town of Snowfield, Colorado, and that's only the beginning.

TAGLINE: "For centuries they told us the terror would come from above. We've been looking the wrong way."

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Its release date is Friday January 23, 1998

Production details

Director Joe Chappelle
Cast Ben Affleck, Joanna Going, Peter O'Toole & Rose McGowan
Genre Horror, Science Fiction & Thriller
Country of origin The United States
Release date 1998-01-23
Theme Alternate Life Form, Colorado, Deputies, Fear Of Dying, God Complexes Fiction, Los Angeles, Rural Setting, Sheriff, Snowfield, Co & U.s. Soldier
Place setting Colorado
Location Colorado
Script Dean R. Koontz (novel) & Dean R. Koontz (screenplay)
Cinematography Greg Littlewood
Music David C. Williams (film composer)
Box Office Revenue $5,624,282
Runtime 96 min


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