Watch Pieta online

Can you stream the Drama movie Pieta, directed by Ki-duk Kim & starring Jo Min-soo, Kang Eun-jin, Lee Jung-Jin & Woo Ki-Hong on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Pieta

A loan shark is forced to reconsider his violent lifestyle after the arrival of a mysterious woman claiming to be his long-lost mother.

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Its release date is Wednesday September 5, 2012

Production details

Director Ki-duk Kim
Cast Jo Min-soo, Kang Eun-jin, Lee Jung-Jin & Woo Ki-Hong
Genre Drama
Country of origin South Korea
Release date 2012-09-05
Script Ki-duk Kim
Cinematography Cho Young jik
Music Park In young
Costs $103,000
Box Office Revenue $3,623,330
Runtime 104 min


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Other Ki-duk Kim Movies on Hulu

Pieta | Sep 5th, 2012

7.2/10 | By Ki-duk Kim
South Korea | Drama
Amazon Video Hulu Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Playstation Fandor Tubi TV