Watch Planet of the Vampires online

Can you stream the Horror & Science Fiction movie Planet of the Vampires, directed by Mario Bava & starring Ángel Aranda, Barry Sullivan, Evi Marandi & Norma Bengell on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Planet of the Vampires

After landing on a mysterious planet, a team of astronauts begin to turn on each other, swayed by the uncertain influence of the planet and its strange inhabitants.

TAGLINE: "This was the day the universe trembled before the demon forces of the killer planet!"

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Its release date is Wednesday September 15, 1965

Production details

Director Mario Bava
Cast Ángel Aranda, Barry Sullivan, Evi Marandi & Norma Bengell
Genre Horror & Science Fiction
Country of origin Italy
Release date 1965-09-15
Theme Extraterrestrial Life, Space Travel, Vampire & Vampires
Place setting Future
Script Alberto Bevilacqua (screenplay), Antonio Román (screenplay), Callisto Cosulich (screenplay), Ib Melchior (screen story), Ib Melchior (screenplay), Louis M. Heyward (screenplay), Mario Bava (screenplay), Rafael J. Salvia (screenplay) & Renato Pestriniero (story "One Night of 21 Hours")
Runtime 88 min


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