Watch Playing for Keeps online
Can you stream the Comedy & Romance movie Playing for Keeps, directed by Gabriele Muccino & starring Catherine Zeta-Jones, Gerard Butler, Jessica Biel & Uma Thurman on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Playing for Keeps
A former sports star who's fallen on hard times starts coaching his son's soccer team as a way to get his life together. His attempts to become an adult are met with challenges from the attractive soccer moms who pursue him at every turn.
Its release date is Thursday November 29, 2012
All streaming services available
Its release date is Thursday November 29, 2012
Production details
Director | Gabriele Muccino |
Cast | Catherine Zeta-Jones, Gerard Butler, Jessica Biel & Uma Thurman |
Genre | Comedy & Romance |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 2012-11-29 |
Theme | Athlete, Field, Mother, Parent, parent child relationship, Penalty Kick & Soccer |
Location | Louisiana |
Script | Robbie Fox |
Cinematography | Peter Menzies Jr. |
Music | Andrea Guerra (composer) |
Costs | $35,000,000 |
Runtime | 105 min |