Watch Power Play online
Can you stream the Action & Thriller movie Power Play, directed by Joseph Zito & starring Alison Eastwood, Brixton Karnes, Dylan Walsh & Tobin Bell on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Power Play
A reporter attempts to figure out why there has been an energy crisis in the United States. Complicating matters are a series of aftershocks from a powerful earthquake, strangers firing weapons at him, and the disappearance of som...
Its release date is Friday February 1, 2002
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Its release date is Friday February 1, 2002
Production details
Director | Joseph Zito |
Cast | Alison Eastwood, Brixton Karnes, Dylan Walsh & Tobin Bell |
Genre | Action & Thriller |
Country of origin | United States of America |
Release date | 2002-02-01 |
Script | Adrian Fulle, BJ Davis & Brent Huff |
Runtime | 100 min |