Watch Practical Joke online
Can you stream the Drama, Family & Romance movie Practical Joke, directed by Vladimir Menshov & starring Dmitriy Kharatyan, Natalya Fateeva, Natalya Vavilova & Yevgeniya Khanayeva on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Practical Joke
At high school, some pupils decide to play a 'practical joke' on their teacher. On the day of midterm exam all of them say they she had told them the wrong date for the exam. She almost ...
Its release date is Monday January 10, 1977
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No streaming sources available just yetIts release date is Monday January 10, 1977
Production details
Director | Vladimir Menshov |
Cast | Dmitriy Kharatyan, Natalya Fateeva, Natalya Vavilova & Yevgeniya Khanayeva |
Genre | Drama, Family & Romance |
Country of origin | Russia |
Release date | 1977-01-10 |
Place setting | Schools |
Script | Semyon Lungin |
Cinematography | Mikhail Bitz |
Music | Aleksandr Flyarkovsky |
Runtime | 96 min |