Watch Pump up the Volume online
Can you stream the Drama & Music movie Pump up the Volume, directed by Allan Moyle & starring Annie Ross, Christian Slater, Samantha Mathis & Scott Paulin on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Pump up the Volume
Mark runs a pirate radio station and causes an uproar when he speaks his mind and enthralls fellow teens.
TAGLINE: "Talk hard!" All streaming services available
Its release date is Wednesday August 22, 1990
Production details
Director | Allan Moyle |
Cast | Annie Ross, Christian Slater, Samantha Mathis & Scott Paulin |
Genre | Drama & Music |
Country of origin | Canada & The United States |
Release date | 1990-08-22 |
Theme | Arizona, Authority, Chaos, Freedom, Freedom Of Expression, Hero, Nudity, Pirate Radio, Radio, Radio People & Suicide |
Place setting | Maricopa County, Arizona |
Location | California |
Script | Allan Moyle |
Cinematography | Walt Lloyd |
Music | Cliff Martinez |
Box Office Revenue | $11 |
Runtime | 102 min |