Watch Pursued online
Can you stream the Romance, Thriller & Western movie Pursued, directed by Raoul Walsh & starring Dean Jagger, Judith Anderson, Robert Mitchum & Teresa Wright on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Pursued
Brought up by a neighboring family in the 1880s, an orphan grows up haunted by nightmares of a childhood trauma in which his own family was killed.
TAGLINE: "Robert Mitchum fights for the love of three people who want to see him dead...his family." All streaming services available
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Its release date is Sunday March 2, 1947
Production details
Director | Raoul Walsh |
Cast | Dean Jagger, Judith Anderson, Robert Mitchum & Teresa Wright |
Genre | Romance, Thriller & Western |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 1947-03-02 |
Theme | Brother-in-law, Childhood Trauma, Film Noir, Foster Sister, Nightmare & Self-defense |
Place setting | New Mexico |
Script | Niven Busch (screenplay) |
Cinematography | James Wong Howe |
Music | Max Steiner |
Runtime | 101 min |