Watch Quest online
Can you stream the Action, Animation & Drama movie Quest, directed by Jean-Claude Van Damme & Tyron Montgomery & starring on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Quest
Chris embarks on an odyssey of self-discovery that spans the globe. Kidnapped and enslaved by gun smugglers, sold by pirates and thrust into the murky underworld of gambling and kickboxing,...
Its release date is Monday January 1, 1996
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Its release date is Monday January 1, 1996
Production details
Director | Jean-Claude Van Damme & Tyron Montgomery |
Genre | Action, Animation & Drama |
Country of origin | Germany |
Release date | 1996-01-01 |
Script | Frank Dux (story), Jean-Claude Van Damme (story), Paul Mones (screenplay), Steve Klein (screenplay) & Thomas Stellmach (story) |
Cinematography | Tyron Montgomery |
Music | Wolfram Spyra |
Runtime | 95 min |