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Can you stream the Drama movie Quills, directed by Philip Kaufman & starring Geoffrey Rush, Joaquin Phoenix, Kate Winslet & Michael Caine on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Quills

In a Napoleonic era insane asylum, an inmate, the irrepressible Marquis De Sade, fights a battle of wills against a tyrannically prudish doctor.

TAGLINE: "There are no bad words... only bad deeds."

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Its release date is Wednesday November 22, 2000

Production details

Director Philip Kaufman
Cast Geoffrey Rush, Joaquin Phoenix, Kate Winslet & Michael Caine
Genre Drama
Country of origin Germany & United Kingdom
Release date 2000-11-22
Theme Asylum, Bdsm, French, French Revolution, Maid, Marquis De Sade, Mental Illness Fiction, Psychiatry & Smuggling
Place setting France
Time setting 19th Century
Location England & London
Script Doug Wright (play) & Doug Wright (screenplay)
Cinematography Rogier Stoffers
Music Stephen Warbeck
Costs $13,500,000
Box Office Revenue $7,060,876
Runtime 124 min


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The Right Stuff | Oct 20th, 1983

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Other Philip Kaufman Movies on Hulu

Quills | Nov 22nd, 2000

7.3/10 | By Philip Kaufman
Germany & United Kingdom | Drama
Amazon Video Hulu Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation

Twisted | Feb 27th, 2004

5.2/10 | By Philip Kaufman
Germany & The United States | Action, Adventure & Crime
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