Watch Ragnarok online

Can you stream the Action & Adventure movie Ragnarok, directed by Mikkel Brænne Sandemose & Taika Waititi & starring Bjørn Sundquist, Nicolai Cleve Broch, Pål Sverre Hagen & Sofia Helin on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Ragnarok

Thor is imprisoned on the planet Sakaar, and must race against time to return to Asgard and stop Ragnarök, the destruction of his world, which is at the hands of the powerful and ruthless villain Hela.

TAGLINE: "All myths have an origin"

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Its release date is Monday November 11, 2013

Production details

Director Mikkel Brænne Sandemose & Taika Waititi
Cast Bjørn Sundquist, Nicolai Cleve Broch, Pål Sverre Hagen & Sofia Helin
Genre Action & Adventure
Country of origin Norway
Release date 2013-11-11
Theme Ancient History, Clue, Demons, Hell Popular Culture, Norse Mythology, Performance Capture, Royalty, Treasure, Viking, Vikings & Wormholes Fiction
Place setting New York City & Norway
Location Brisbane & New Zealand
Script Christopher Yost, Craig Kyle, Eric Pearson, Jack Kirby (based on the comics by), John Kåre Raake, Larry Lieber (based on the comics by) & Stan Lee (based on the comics by)
Cinematography Javier Aguirresarobe
Music Mark Mothersbaugh
Costs $6,500,000
Box Office Revenue $3,721,345
Runtime 130 min


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