Watch Rapa Nui online

Can you stream the Adventure movie Rapa Nui, directed by Kevin Reynolds & starring Eru Potaka-Dewes, Esai Morales, Jason Scott Lee & Sandrine Holt on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Rapa Nui

Tenuously based on the legends of Easter Island, Chile, this story details a civil war between the two tribes on the island: the Long Ears and the Short Ears. A warrior from the ruling ...

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Its release date is Friday September 9, 1994

Production details

Director Kevin Reynolds
Cast Eru Potaka-Dewes, Esai Morales, Jason Scott Lee & Sandrine Holt
Genre Adventure
Country of origin The United States
Release date 1994-09-09
Theme Cannibalism Fiction, In Love With Enemy, Indigenous & Island
Place setting Easter Island & Oceania
Location Chile
Script Kevin Reynolds (screenplay), Kevin Reynolds (story) & Tim Rose Price (screenplay)
Cinematography Stephen F. Windon
Music Stewart Copeland
Costs $20,000,000
Box Office Revenue $305,070
Runtime 107 min

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