Watch Rebecca online
Can you stream the Drama, Mystery & Romance movie Rebecca, directed by Ben Wheatley & starring Armie Hammer, Keeley Hawes, Kristin Scott Thomas & Lily James on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Rebecca
A young newlywed arrives at her husband's imposing family estate on a windswept English coast and finds herself battling the shadow of his first wife, Rebecca, whose legacy lives on in the house long after her death.
Its release date is Friday October 16, 2020
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Its release date is Friday October 16, 2020
Production details
Director | Ben Wheatley |
Cast | Armie Hammer, Keeley Hawes, Kristin Scott Thomas & Lily James |
Genre | Drama, Mystery & Romance |
Country of origin | United Kingdom |
Release date | 2020-10-16 |
Theme | Based On Novel Or Book |
Location | England |
Script | Anna Waterhouse (screenplay by), Daphne Du Maurier (based on the novel by), Jane Goldman (screenplay by) & Joe Shrapnel (screenplay by) |
Runtime | 121 min |
Homepage | Rebecca Homepage |