Watch Red Meadows online

Can you stream the Drama & War movie Red Meadows, directed by Bodil Ipsen & Lau Lauritzen & starring Lisbeth Movin, Per Buckhøj, Poul Reichhardt & Preben Kaas on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Red Meadows

A 1945 Danish war drama based on resistance fighter Ole Vlademar Juul's 1945 novel of the same name, is a suspense tale revolving around the memories of a Danish saboteur as he await s his execution in a German war-time prison.

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Its release date is Wednesday December 26, 1945

Production details

Director Bodil Ipsen & Lau Lauritzen
Cast Lisbeth Movin, Per Buckhøj, Poul Reichhardt & Preben Kaas
Genre Drama & War
Country of origin Denmark
Release date 1945-12-26
Theme World War II Resistance Movements
Script Leck Fischer (play) & Ole Juul (book)
Cinematography Rudolf Frederiksen
Music Sven Gyldmark
Runtime 85 min


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