Watch Rememory online
Can you stream the Drama, Mystery & Science Fiction movie Rememory, directed by Mark Palansky & starring Anton Yelchin, Julia Ormond, Martin Donovan & Peter Dinklage on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Rememory
The widow of a wise professor stumbles upon one of his inventions that's able to record and play a person's memory.
Its release date is Friday September 8, 2017
All streaming services available
Its release date is Friday September 8, 2017
Production details
Director | Mark Palansky |
Cast | Anton Yelchin, Julia Ormond, Martin Donovan & Peter Dinklage |
Genre | Drama, Mystery & Science Fiction |
Country of origin | Canada & The United States |
Release date | 2017-09-08 |
Theme | Professor & Widow |
Script | Mark Palansky & Mike Vukadinovich |
Cinematography | Gregory Middleton |
Music | Gregory Tripi |
Runtime | 111 min |