Watch Resident Evil: Damnation online

Can you stream the Animation movie Resident Evil: Damnation, directed by Makoto Kamiya & starring Carolyn Lawrence, Courtenay Taylor, Matthew Mercer & Robin Sachs on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Resident Evil: Damnation

Special Agent Leon S.Kennedy goes against his superior's orders and works to destroy a series of biological weapons being used in a war zone in Europe.

TAGLINE: "The worst evil has been unleashed."

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Its release date is Tuesday September 25, 2012

Production details

Director Makoto Kamiya
Cast Carolyn Lawrence, Courtenay Taylor, Matthew Mercer & Robin Sachs
Genre Animation
Country of origin Japan
Release date 2012-09-25
Theme Adult Animation, Based On Video Game, Blood, Dystopia, Viral Outbreaks & Zombie
Place setting European Country
Time setting 2011
Script Alexander Von David & Shotaro Suga (screenplay)
Music Shusaku Uchiyama
Runtime 100 min
Homepage Resident Evil: Damnation Homepage


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