Watch Retribution online

Can you stream the Thriller movie Retribution, directed by Dani de la Torre & starring Elvira Mínguez, Fernando Cayo, Javier Gutiérrez & Luis Tosar on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Retribution

A bank executive receives an anonymous phone call informing him he has just a few hours to obtain a large amount of money or a bomb under his seat will explode.

TAGLINE: "Drive or die"

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Netflix Amazon Video
Its release date is Friday September 25, 2015

Production details

Director Dani de la Torre
Cast Elvira Mínguez, Fernando Cayo, Javier Gutiérrez & Luis Tosar
Genre Thriller
Country of origin Spain
Release date 2015-09-25
Theme Bomb, Money, Phone & Retribution
Place setting Spain
Script Alberto Marini
Cinematography Josu Inchaustegui
Music Manuel Riveiro
Costs $4,000,000
Runtime 102 min

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