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Can you stream the Drama movie Return, directed by Liza Johnson & Max Landis & starring John Slattery, Linda Cardellini, Michael Shannon & Talia Balsam on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Return

Screenwriter Max Landis accounts DC's 1992 multi-issue story arc "The Death and Return of Superman," pointing out various plot holes and featuring a number of celebrity cameos.

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Its release date is Saturday May 14, 2011

Production details

Director Liza Johnson & Max Landis
Cast John Slattery, Linda Cardellini, Michael Shannon & Talia Balsam
Genre Drama
Country of origin The United States
Release date 2011-05-14
Theme Woman Director
Location Los Angeles
Script Liza Johnson & Max Landis
Cinematography Anne Etheridge & Ryan Hailey
Music Evan Goldman & Joe Rudge
Runtime 17 min


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Return | May 14th, 2011

7.8/10 | By Liza Johnson & Max Landis
The United States | Drama
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation Starz

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Hateship Loveship | Sep 7th, 2013

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Netflix Amazon Video Hulu Google Play Amazon Prime Video YouTube iTunes Playstation