Watch Revolt of the Zombies online

Can you stream the Horror movie Revolt of the Zombies, directed by Victor Halperin & starring Dean Jagger, Dorothy Stone, Robert Noland & Roy D'Arcy on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Revolt of the Zombies

An international expedition is sent into Cambodia to destroy an ancient formula that turns men into zombies.


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Its release date is Thursday June 4, 1936

Production details

Director Victor Halperin
Cast Dean Jagger, Dorothy Stone, Robert Noland & Roy D'Arcy
Genre Horror
Country of origin The United States
Release date 1936-06-04
Theme War & Zombie
Place setting Cambodia
Script N/A
Cinematography * Jockey Arthur Feindel *
Music Hugo Riesenfeld
Runtime 65 min

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