Watch Rise of the Black Bat online

Can you stream the Action & Science Fiction movie Rise of the Black Bat, directed by Scott Patrick & starring Dixie Collins, Jody Haucke, Leo Frost & Richard Groen on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Rise of the Black Bat

After a crime boss has Tony Quinn blinded by acid, Tony is given the ability to see in the dark like a bat. Them he takes the guise of the Black Bat to see to it that crime does not pay and that the scales of justice are balanced once more.

TAGLINE: "Justice is blind... No more"

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Its release date is Thursday December 6, 2012

Production details

Director Scott Patrick
Cast Dixie Collins, Jody Haucke, Leo Frost & Richard Groen
Genre Action & Science Fiction
Country of origin Canada
Release date 2012-12-06
Theme Psychopaths, Revenge & Terrorism
Place setting Florence & Uzbekistan
Location Highland (council Area), Multiple Formats & New York City
Script Trevor Payer (screenplay)
Cinematography Wally Pfister
Music Hans Zimmer
Runtime 80 min

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