Watch River online
Can you stream the Drama & Science Fiction movie River, directed by Emily Skye & starring Alexandra Rose, Becki Hayes, Courtney Gains & Mary Cameron Rogers on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: River
River is a psychological sci-fi thriller, that follows River Allen, a 20-something woman who searches for her fragmented identity. After her mother's death, River has spiraled emotionally out of control. When she disappears for over
TAGLINE: "After vanishing from an encounter in the woods, River embarks on a haunting journey of self-discovery." All streaming services available
Its release date is Tuesday July 13, 2021
Production details
Director | Emily Skye |
Cast | Alexandra Rose, Becki Hayes, Courtney Gains & Mary Cameron Rogers |
Genre | Drama & Science Fiction |
Country of origin | United States of America |
Release date | 2021-07-13 |
Script | Emily Skye |
Runtime | 93 min |