Watch River Runs Red online
Can you stream the Thriller movie River Runs Red, directed by Wes Miller & starring George Lopez, John Cusack, Luke Hemsworth & Taye Diggs on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: River Runs Red
When the son of an African American judge is murdered in a routine pull-over gone wrong, Judge Charles Coleman takes the law into his own hands to ensure justice is had when the two cops walk free.
TAGLINE: "Vengeance is the Only Justice" All streaming services available
Its release date is Friday November 9, 2018
Production details
Director | Wes Miller |
Cast | George Lopez, John Cusack, Luke Hemsworth & Taye Diggs |
Genre | Thriller |
Country of origin | United States of America |
Release date | 2018-11-09 |
Theme | Detective, Murder & Police |
Script | Wes Miller |
Runtime | 94 min |