Watch Rock Bottom Riser online

Can you stream the movie Rock Bottom Riser on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Rock Bottom Riser

From the earliest voyagers who navigated by starlight to the discovery of habitable planets by astronomers, Rock Bottom Riser examines the all-encompassing encounters of an island world at sea. As lava continues to flow from the earth’s core on the island of Hawaii—posing an imminent danger—a crisis mounts. Astronomers plan to build the world’s largest telescope on Hawaii’s most sacred and revered mountain, Mauna Kea. Based on ancient Polynesian navigation, the arrival of Christian missionaries, and the observatory’s ability to capture the origins of the universe, Rock Bottom Riser surveys the influence of settler colonialism, the search for intelligent life, and the discovery of new worlds as we peer into our own planet’s existence.

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Its release date is Monday March 1, 2021

Production details

Cast Avi Loeb, Moses Goods, Nainoa Thompson & Rubellite Johnson
Country of origin United States of America
Release date 2021-03-01