Watch Rosa Chumbe online

Can you stream the Drama movie Rosa Chumbe, directed by Jonatan Relayze & starring Cindy Díaz & Liliana Trujillo on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Rosa Chumbe

Rosa is a mature police officer with both a gambling and a drinking problem. She lives with her daughter Sheila, who has a little baby. One day, after a big fight between them, Sheila ...

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Its release date is Saturday August 8, 2015

Production details

Director Jonatan Relayze
Cast Cindy Díaz & Liliana Trujillo
Genre Drama
Country of origin Peru
Release date 2015-08-08
Theme Baby, Drinking, Gambling, Peru, Police Woman & Sibling Relationship
Script Christopher Vasquez, Jonatan Relayze & Jonatan Relayze (story)
Runtime 75 min

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Rosa Chumbe | Aug 8th, 2015

Rosa Chumbe
7.1/10 | By Jonatan Relayze
Peru | Drama
Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video