Watch Salt of the Earth online
Can you stream the Drama & History movie Salt of the Earth, directed by Herbert J. Biberman & starring David Wolfe, Juan Chacón, Rosaura Revueltas & Will Geer on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Salt of the Earth
Mexican workers at a Zinc mine call a general strike. It is only through the solidarity of the workers, and importantly the indomitable resolve of their wives, mothers and daughters, that they eventually triumph.
Its release date is Sunday March 14, 1954
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Its release date is Sunday March 14, 1954
Production details
Director | Herbert J. Biberman |
Cast | David Wolfe, Juan Chacón, Rosaura Revueltas & Will Geer |
Genre | Drama & History |
Country of origin | United States of America |
Release date | 1954-03-14 |
Theme | Labor Movement, Mining, Social Realism & Strike |
Place setting | Mining Communities & New Mexico |
Location | New Mexico |
Script | Michael Wilson |
Runtime | 94 min |