Watch Secret Summer online
Can you stream the Family, Romance & TV Movie movie Secret Summer, directed by Rick Bota & starring Chiara Aurelia, Derek Theler, Emily Rose & Lindsey Shaw on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Secret Summer
Rachel tries to save a small towns library from being turned into a resort and turns to Jake, a writer, for help.
Its release date is Saturday April 2, 2016
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No streaming sources available just yetIts release date is Saturday April 2, 2016
Production details
Director | Rick Bota |
Cast | Chiara Aurelia, Derek Theler, Emily Rose & Lindsey Shaw |
Genre | Family, Romance & TV Movie |
Release date | 2016-04-02 |
Theme | Brain Transplantation Fiction, Central Intelligence Agency Fiction, Computing, Consciousness, Finding Love, Terrorism & Years |
Place setting | London |
Time setting | 2016 & 2018 |
Location | Hampshire |
Script | Adam Rockoff, Alec Colantonio-Ray & Cara J. Russell |
Cinematography | Dana Gonzales |
Music | Keith Power |
Runtime | 84 min |