Watch Shattered online
Can you stream the Thriller movie Shattered, directed by Luis Prieto & starring Cameron Monaghan, Frank Grillo, Lilly Krug & Sasha Luss on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Shattered
A rich divorcee Chris falls in love with a mysterious woman Sky where Chris, ex-wife and his child eventually gets trapped and a desperate fight for survival will most likely ensue.
TAGLINE: "She'll love him to death." All streaming services available
Its release date is Friday January 14, 2022
Production details
Director | Luis Prieto |
Cast | Cameron Monaghan, Frank Grillo, Lilly Krug & Sasha Luss |
Genre | Thriller |
Release date | 2022-01-14 |
Script | David Loughery |
Runtime | N/A |
Homepage | Shattered Homepage |