Watch Shayda online

Can you stream the Drama movie Shayda, directed by Noora Niasari & starring Jillian Nguyen, Leah Purcell, Selina Zahednia & Zar Amir Ebrahimi on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Shayda

A young Iranian mother and her six-year-old daughter find refuge in an Australian women's shelter during the two weeks of the Iranian New Year (Nowruz).

TAGLINE: "A love letter to mothers and daughters everywhere"

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Its release date is Thursday September 28, 2023

Production details

Director Noora Niasari
Cast Jillian Nguyen, Leah Purcell, Selina Zahednia & Zar Amir Ebrahimi
Genre Drama
Country of origin Australia
Release date 2023-09-28
Theme Divorce, Iranian New Year, Mother Daughter Relationship & Shelter
Script Noora Niasari
Box Office Revenue $233,971
Runtime 117 min
