Watch She’s Having a Baby online
Can you stream the Comedy, Drama & Romance movie She’s Having a Baby, directed by John Hughes & starring Alec Baldwin, Elizabeth McGovern, Kevin Bacon & William Windom on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: She’s Having a Baby
Young newlyweds find out just how unprepared they are for their future together.
TAGLINE: "Man. Woman. Life. Death. Infinity. Tuna casserole. One movie dares to tell it all." All streaming services available
Its release date is Friday February 5, 1988
Production details
Director | John Hughes |
Cast | Alec Baldwin, Elizabeth McGovern, Kevin Bacon & William Windom |
Genre | Comedy, Drama & Romance |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 1988-02-05 |
Theme | Newlywed & Parenthood |
Location | Chicago |
Script | John Hughes |
Cinematography | Donald Peterman |
Music | Stewart Copeland |
Runtime | 106 min |