Watch Sidekicks online
Can you stream the Action, Adventure & Drama movie Sidekicks, directed by Aaron Norris & starring Beau Bridges, Chuck Norris, Jonathan Brandis & Mako on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Sidekicks
A bullied teen who fantasizes about being Chuck Norris' sidekick trains in martial arts to fulfill his dreams.
TAGLINE: "A dreamer and a champion. An unbeatable team...Until his hero stepped out of his fantasies to fight at his side." All streaming services available
Its release date is Thursday December 17, 1992
Production details
Director | Aaron Norris |
Cast | Beau Bridges, Chuck Norris, Jonathan Brandis & Mako |
Genre | Action, Adventure & Drama |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 1992-12-17 |
Theme | Bully, Computer, Daydreaming, Karate & Martial arts |
Place setting | Houston |
Location | Houston |
Script | Galen Thompson (screenplay), Lou Illar (screenplay) & Lou Illar (story) |
Cinematography | João Fernandes |
Music | Alan Silvestri |
Runtime | 101 min |