Watch Sindoor online
Can you stream the Drama & Family movie Sindoor, directed by K. Ravi Shankar & starring Govinda, Neelam Kothari, Shakti Kapoor & Shashi Kapoor on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Sindoor
Vijay forces his wife Laxmi to leave her house, suspecting an extra marital affair. Years later, Vijay and Laxmi come face to face and start meeting each other.
Its release date is Friday July 31, 1987
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Its release date is Friday July 31, 1987
Production details
Director | K. Ravi Shankar |
Cast | Govinda, Neelam Kothari, Shakti Kapoor & Shashi Kapoor |
Genre | Drama & Family |
Country of origin | India |
Release date | 1987-07-31 |
Script | N/A |
Runtime | 162 min |